I realize I'm at a loss for words. Obviously my brain has got a little rusty at writing posts. It has been working hard at mind-boggling calculations and arduous explanations for quite some time, before the exams started.
Anyhow, it's such a relief that the AS exams are finally over! Struggling to stay at the desk and study is nothing else but torture. Fine, I exaggerated but it certainly is no mirth for normal people. Just glad that the 1st part of A-Levels is done with. Results is another thing. Leave it for another time.
This particular post is actually just an act to lighten up my recently dust-collecting somber blog. My computer is still having its Internet-phobia and my dad's making no sign of curing it. Blogging using the laptop can only be done without pictures. ( Laptop not our property, don't dare meddle with it.) Sigh, and a poor me is using the school library's PC right now..listening to the rainfall.
Holidays is just 4 days away though. I wonder if others have the same feeling as me. That each year drifts by faster than the previous. Time creeps too silently. Reminds me that I'm getting older. Never mind, I'm not even 18 yet.. I still have a vivid future ahead! Lol.
caroline lee ;)
Just another blogger putting down memories in words.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6